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Forcing a carrier in one of Transatel’s multi-carrier countries

Can I force a specific carrier in the case of multiple available carriers? 

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Many operators steer the SIM to connect to their preferred network partner, no matter the quality of the service locally. Not Transatel. 
Technically, you may want to force your SIM to connect to a specific carrier from your device’s firmware. Operators sometimes contractually make this impossible to do, to ensure your SIM connects to their local partner with the lowest cost. With Transatel, you’re free to use our coverage as you wish. 
We can even manage this for you. You can create your own coverage footprint, excluding the operators you refuse. You can even manage multiple lists of networks and instantly and remotely switch your SIM from one list to another, thus enabling or disabling carrier connectivity on-the-go. 
To see our updated coverage, click here 
For further detail on our partner carriers, and the available networks, or to get more information about dedicated footprints, please contact us

network selection

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