Your Monthly bill with Transatel’s IoT Connect SIMs
Our billing cycle starts on the 1st day of each month.
When you activate a new SIM, its monthly fee or bundle monthly fee will be prorated, depending on the start date.
You receive your invoice by email every month.
It includes the following charges:
Pay per use fee
If your SIM is in the pay-per-use model, you’re charged:
The monthly SIM fee for each SIM that is active, even if it shows no traffic during the month.
The amount corresponding to the traffic, based on the price per MB at the SIM’s location.
Pooled bundle fee
If your SIM benefits from a pooled bundle, you’re charged:
The monthly fee for the bundle, even if there’s no traffic on your SIMs.
Any excess traffic (if the total amount of traffic on your SIMs exceeds the total amount of the pooled bundle.)