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Mobile World Congress 2019 – Less 5G, more 4G!

Barcelona, February 27th, 2019

As the largest gathering in the world devoted to the mobile industry, the Mobile World Congress brings together more than 2400 exhibitors and over 400 mobile operators.

Transatel is once again on site this year, from February 25 to 27, to collectively build the future of the telecom and IoT sectors. Most players’ major concern today is the deployment of 5G, though 4G is not yet used to its full potential.

According to Jacques Bonifay, Transatel CEO and President of MVNO Europe, “the telco market is fully focused and involved in discussions on 5G, when we’re still far from using 4G to its maximum potential.

The connected car, for instance, requires coverage in rural areas. 4G is only just starting to address this need. It will take another 5 to 10 years to have decent 5G coverage in rural areas, considering the investments this represents.

Let’s remember that most IoT applications still only require a few MB a month… Most IoT applications are still so far from using 4G capacities!

If there is no doubt that, on the long term, 5G will bring huge value to the world, it’s also clear that the sense of urgency imposed by politicians and 5G telecom vendors isn’t in any way justified…”

Transatel, Europe’s leading European MVNO enabler and serious challenger in the IoT, has entered exclusive negotiations with NTT Communications for a majority stake in Transatel. The 19-year-old company has secured deals with some of the biggest names in automotive (Jaguar Land Rover, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles), consumer electronics (Microsoft Surface, ASUS, Acer, Vaio), and the industry (Airbus, Worldline). These companies today rely on Transatel’s eSIM-capable, secure, cellular solution for global connectivity, for their connected car, connected objects and embedded connectivity projects.


About Transatel

As the leading European MVNE/A (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler/Aggregator), Transatel has, since its inception in 2000, launched over 170 MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) and built a strong expertise in Machine-to-Machine connectivity, before entering the Internet of Things arena in 2014. Today, the company offers an unparalleled cellular solution for global, multi-local data connectivity with eSIM capabilities for the IoT, addressing the connected car, connected objects, and embedded connectivity markets.

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Christelle ALAMICHEL

+33 (0)1 44 18 65 58

+33 (0)6 31 09 03 83





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