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ECTA welcomes Transatel as new member

Transatel, the leading European Mobile Virtual Network Enabler and Aggregator with strong expertise in Machine-to-Machine connectivity and in the Internet of Things joins ECTA as a Full member.

Jacques Bonifay, Transatel CEO: “In the past few years, Transatel has known an important deployment of its activities, with a variety of subjects ranging from enabling MVNOs to enabling the Internet of Things, along with some ambitious projects in global machine-to-machine. The scope has also greatly evolved: from specifically European, we’re now launching projects in Japan, the US, and the whole of Europe. Such an important change of scale indicated the need to become a member of ECTA.”

« As the global race for connected and automated driving gains pace, Transatel’s experience in machine to machine connectivity, the IoT, and in connected cars is a real opportunity for ECTA, as a founding member of EATA (European Automotive Telecom Alliance), to further strengthen our engagement” says Luc Hindryckx, Executive Director of ECTA. “The creativity, innovative drive and diversification of Transatel is also very representative of ECTA’s spirit”.

ECTA is committed and engaged in the dialogue between the automotive and telecommunications sectors and believes in the power of competition to foster the emergence of cooperative, connected and automated mobility and the requisite development of 5G. Hence competition should never be taken for granted and barriers to market entry should continuously be removed.

The promotion of competition as best driver for innovation, investment, choice and diversification is what unifies ECTA members, old or new.

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