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Multi-Operator SIMs: The Solution to Global IoT Coverage

Multi-Operator SIMs

Despite record-breaking sales of electric vehicles (EVs) in the last few years, the charging infrastructure remains insufficient, causing frequent issues for drivers attempting to recharge their cars.  A 2021 European Alternative Fuels Observatory Study surveyed 42,327 public charging points across Europe and found that 14.1% were unavailable or out of service. The primary reasons for downtime were software problems, network connectivity issues, and hardware failures.

The Need for Multi-Operator SIMs

Poor internet connectivity is one of the most common problems for drivers not being able to charge their electric car successfully using a public charging station. If the charging station is not properly connected to the internet or the network it relies on, it cannot communicate with the central management system, leading to downtime. Connectivity issues can arise due to low cellular signal or breakdown of the landline internet connectivity. In such cases, multi-network IoT SIM cards can provide a backup connection to keep the charging station operational.

For example, a charging station company in a rural area may experience connectivity issues due to the limited availability of cellular networks. As a result, EV drivers can hardly travel out of town for a weekend or work trips to remote areas given the unreliable local charging infrastructure.

M2M SIM card resolves the connectivity issues, wherever your device is located

Landline internet access is often unavailable or inefficient in remote areas. If this primary source of connectivity fails, the entire station becomes non-operational. Using an IoT SIM card as a backup can help, but what if your chosen cellular provider doesn’t cover the area where your chargers are installed?

An M2M SIM card that can connect to multiple mobile networks based on the strongest signal can solve this problem. A multi-network IoT SIM card enables a charging station to automatically connect to different networks, ensuring a stable connection. This ensures that customers can continue to use the charging station without interruption, improving their overall experience.

In addition to solving connectivity issues, multi-network IoT SIM cards also offer several advantages for international deployments. With a single SIM card that can connect to multiple networks, IoT devices can be deployed in multiple countries without needing separate SIM cards for each location. This reduces the complexity of managing IoT devices in different regions, making it easier for businesses to expand their operations globally.

Effortless Global IoT connectivity with Transatel’s M2M SIMs

Multi-Operator SIMs

Transatel’s multi-network IoT SIM cards provide global coverage, enabling businesses to deploy their IoT devices in multiple countries without needing separate SIM cards for each location. This simplifies the management of IoT devices and reduces the complexity of international deployments.

With Transatel M2M SIMs, you are assured of continuous connectivity to the best networks. The smart SIMs automatically connect to the strongest available signal by constantly scanning and selecting the optimal network from our numerous mobile carrier partners.

Get a quote to test our industry-leading solutions, and click here to order your multi-operator M2M SIM card today!

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