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Selective Traffic Routing for IoT: Cut costs & save time from Testing to Production

Why is Selective Traffic Routing important for your business? Soon after launching your IoT project, you might find yourself managing a multi-layer technical environment. For example, as an international company facilitating energy transitions through connected boiler solutions in over 100 countries, ensuring the proper operation of your IoT solution is crucial. This requires establishing several environments dedicated to testing over the Internet, as well as pre-production and production phases.

But what if you need to switch between these different environments? Most carriers offer you either:

  • 1 APN that enables connectivity to the three environments at the same time: This means your SIM card is exposed over the Internet
  • Or 1 APN for each environment: This means you need to change the device configuration to change the APN. Every single remote change of the device carries the risk of losing connectivity in the field.

Another example is that you might want to move to another cloud provider:  Instead of doing a big bang migration, you can move groups of SIM cards incrementally.

Switch seamlessly between different environments

A possible solution to the challenge faced by this connected boiler provider is selective data traffic routing. Selective routing can be used to route the data traffic from IoT devices to the appropriate environment based on predefined rules or policies without ever changing the APN.

During the testing phase, the data traffic from IoT devices can be routed to the testing environment, where the new features or updates can be tested. Once testing is complete, the data traffic can be routed to the production environment, where the new features or updates are deployed.

By using selective traffic routing to switch between testing and production environments, organizations can ensure that the testing phase does not interfere with the production environment, while also ensuring that the new features or updates are deployed to the production environment as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Why choose Selective Traffic Routing?

1. Flexible and Easy-to-Use

Transatel offers a seamless ability to switch between data traffic destinations for a given SIM through a single click on our SIM Management Portal or API call. You do not need to change the APN. Not ever. This allows you to optimize the management of your fleet without risking loss of connectivity for your devices.

2. You’re in Control

You have complete freedom to select the right traffic route for each individual SIM or group of SIMs.

3. Works with Offline SIM Cards

It never fails, even while offline. As this process operates at the core network level, you can make these changes even if the SIM card is not connected. Upon its next data session, it will adopt the route you changed while it was offline.

Selective Traffic Routing for IoT

Do you want to learn how Transatel has been helping global industry players minimize their costs through selective traffic routing services for the last 2 decades? Contact us today to schedule your FREE 30-minute session with an IoT expert.

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